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OnLive announced that they were bringing their services for Android, I was very excited. Unfortunately, as soon as I dove in the app, I was made aware of a huge limitation: the touch controls.
They ' not terrible re (they ' re touch controls, what do you expect?), but they close a part of the library of games requiring a physical controller. So what I did? I caught one of them controllers physical fantasy and taken for a spin.
First off the coast, let ' s talk about design. If you ' ve never used a Xbox 360 controller or a controller PS3, you ' ll certainly see some elements of these two there. The body of the controller it looks like ' s directly from Microsoft. The four-way directional and dual joysticks pad add flair to Sony, but despite the mixture, everything is surprisingly comfortable and functional.
It ' required s A, B, X and are buttons, Start and Select buttons, and the OnLive logo in the middle is two power button right and where many Xbox fans have been trained to find the power button.
Along the top of the controller y ' s the standard bumper and keys of relaxation, with a microUSB port of loading. As controllers of today most wireless, you can go to either battery rechargeable or just pack road keep burning through AA batteries that you please. For those who choose the former, which ' s here comes the microUSB port.
Finally, under the joysticks are OnLive ' s special function buttons (that we have also seen as touch controls in the app), such as Play/Pause, back, forward and, most importantly, record. With OnLive ' integrated s Brag Clips, you ' re only a button press away from saving your tue more pleasant and the tricks of sick in the cloud for everyone to see.
So, now that we have ' ve obtained material to talk about the road, how the darn thing really works? In short, pretty much, in fact. The construction is quite familiar for your years of intense game will feel right at home with this controller in your hands, and wireless, the answer is as sharp and rapid than any which controller I ' ve used on a real console.
The buttons have a satisfying click to them, except the trigger buttons. Both of those who feel just a little too sticky and slow to adapt to the rest of the controller, but perhaps that ' s only me be a snob of controller.
D - pad fairly well password, but probably not ' t have done wrong to give directional bearings of most of us are are accustomed to full 8 - way. Joysticks are fluid, fast and all that you ' want to d, especially if you ' re a fan of the FPS genre. Their click is pleasantly familiar, and when you press them, you ' ll know what I ' m talking about.
Pairing your device is an absolute breeze, with this dandy handy- Bluetooth. You ' ll know you ' re paired when the flashing lights on the front to turn solid and remain on a post of controller (usually first player). For those people without Bluetooth (as say, we owners of Logitech Revue ), OnLive a nifty Receiver USB that plugs directly into your Inbox and, Yes, the controller actually works with it. He ' s awesome.
If after typing as many words, that ' s the verdict? In short, it is the best way to play serious games on your device Android, hands down. With a good internet connection, your phone, or your tablet to become quite capable gaming device and the controller enhances this experience in a way that can appreciate players of this generation.
The controller manages a fairly standard price at $49.99, and you can take some directly from OnLive ' s Web site if you ' re seeks to take advantage of all OnLive has to offer us faithful Android. In addition, if you ' re already using OnLive on your computer, the controller works with that, too.
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