Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ask AC: Take screenshots on the first processor and RAM HTC

Transformer Prime

Application of Kinghthawk321 in the Android forums,

OK, people, something I really don ' t know how to do is be a screen shot on my first processor or my Vivid. I appreciate any help in me up to speed on these techniques. Thank you very much.

You ' welcome and we re ' re happy, you asked! Android is an open platform which means that manufacturers can implement things but they like - including the ability to capture the screen. This means of course, that they all do this differently. The first processor and the RAM HTC have built utility in and it ' s fairly easy.

On the first, just press and hold the multitasking button. After about a second and a half, will capture the screen and save on the internal storage of the device. If yours isn't ' t do, make sure that it is enabled in the settings. Open the settings and choose ASUS custom parameter and it is the second element of the list.

Live from HTC, you press and hold the power button then press the home key. A screenshot will be saved to the device. It is fairly standard in all new HTC phones.

Of course, there are old how to use the Android SDK for the screenshot. After you install the SDK, the driver USB device (if you ' re using Windows) and the Java JDK, you can use the grouped MDD tool to capture the display. Thank goodness for the easy solution, right?

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