Friday, July 6, 2012

Lloyd announces the winners of his Galaxy S III adventure contest!

Lloyd's Adventures

Well, folks, this is it. Lloyd has returned from all of his exhilarating adventures and has lived to tell the tales. You guys took him everywhere and he told me he had the best time of his life! Adventures included multiple theme parks, hiking some of the coolest places on earth like islands and volcanoes, spelunking in caves, swimming in lakes and oceans, frolicking on the beach, visiting long lost family members, and seeing a ton of far off places on all continents of the globe. Lloyd was treated to soccer and baseball games, concerts, and visits to the doctor and dentist. He even took rides on planes, trains, automobiles, boats, weather balloons, motorcycles ... you name it, Lloyd was on it.

With just under 300 entries, it was super hard for Lloyd to narrow down his favorites. He wanted to give everyone a prize, but unfortunately that's not possible. We did decide to add prizes for runners up so on top of the four grand prize winners who will each get a Samsung Galaxy S III, we have 12 runners-up who will each receive a $25 gift certificate to So, without further ado, let's announce the winners!

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