Monday, January 30, 2012

Droid Razr Simultneous voice and data

Being 4g, can we assume both the RAZR and G-Nex will be capable of doing simultaneous voice and data? This is a #1 top priority for me due to my job.

I currently have the Thunderbolt and it works great, but from the reading I've done, HTC or Qualcomm did some unique things to get it to work. Not sure if other companies are doing similar things or not.

The Qualcomm chips in the TBolt allow this on a 3G data connection - it's called SVDO (Simultaneous Voice/Data). No other phone currently supports this. There's a *reasonable* chance the the Vigor/Rezound will (also being Qaulcomm based).

Yes: However, any LTE phone can do this while using LTE (or wifi) data as it's a different radio.

If this is a critical feature to you and you don't have solid LTE then you should probably be looking at the Vigor.

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